I just finished watching a show on Discovery Health channel called Blood-Cure or Killer. It was a history of blood transfusions, and where that area of medicine is heading in the future. The first mention of the JW's involved an interview with a bearded man (?) who was identified as a JW. He claimed that the reason the JWs don't accept blood is because a person's personality is in the blood and God doesn't want personalities mixed together. I don't know what the hell he was talking about. He made the JWs look like a bunch of morons. Further in the program they interviewed him again and he pointed to the "fact" that more and more people are getting diseases from blood transfusions than ever before. The show then proceeded to show how the blood supply is the safest it's ever been due to enhanced testing procedures, and how it's only going to get better.
They also briefly interviewed a woman named Pamela who identified herself as a JW and stated that she refuses blood because Jehovah views it as sacred, so she does too. They then proceeded to show her open heart bloodless surgery. They really hyped bloodless surgery as a better way to go, for surgery, but not practical for accident victims. It seems that JW persistance in refusing blood has actually had some benefits which could help others. Personally, if I needed an operation, bloodless surgery would be a first choice, but definitely not worth risking my life over.
The final conclusion of the show was that blood, whether cure or killer is necessary in medicine. I don't know where they found the guy with the beard to interview, but he sure didn't help out the JW cause!